M4D Logo 2019

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Form for Reporting suspected or alleged Abuse/Bullying


Date:                                                                                                                                      Time:

Name of Child:                                                                                                                     Age:

Home Address:                                                                                                                    Number:

Are you reporting your own concerns or passing on those of somebody else? Give details:


Brief Description of what has prompted these concerns (include dates, times etc of any specific incidents):


Any physical signs?  Behavioural signs?  Indirect signs?


Have you spoken to the child?  If so what was said?


Have you spoken to the parent/s?  If so what was said?


Has anybody been alleged to be the abuser/bully?  If so give details:


Have you consulted anyone else?  Give details:


Your name & role:


To whom reported and date of reporting:


Your signature..........................................            Today’s date...................................


Julie Laming..............................................            Today’s date...................................

(Mad4Dance Director)